@article{ author = {Camprodon, Jordi and Guixé, David }, title = {Estado poblacional, selección de refugios y ecología espacial de las poblaciones de nóctulo grande (Nyctalus lasiopterus) y nóctulo mediano (Nyctalus noctula) en Cataluña}, journal = {Barbastella, Journal of Bat Research}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {53-61}, abstract = {We present the first results of the monitoring of the first two colonies of Greater Noctule and Common Noctule found in Catalonia, in the Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa Natural Park and the city of Lleida, respectively. Few animals were found in each locality after a cavity checking of each locality in 2010-2012. The Great Noctule occupies a small stand with high concentration of woodpecker holes in a beech forest. The Common Noctule colony has their refuges concentrated in few European plane trees with abundant natural cavities in an urban park. Foraging areas of Great Noctule were located in the agro-forestry landscape within 30 km at least from the refuge stand. The Common Noctule used irrigated and fluvial areas around the city. The highly localized concentration of suitable tree cavities seems to be the determining factor in the distribution of these large bats in the study area.}, keywords = {Nyctalus lasiopterus Nyctalus noctula spatial ecology cavities conservation Catalonia}, DOI = {http://dx.doi.org/10.14709/BarbJ.6.1.2013.07}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} }