@article{ author = {Hermida, Roberto J. and Arzúa, Manuel and Santos, Ledicia and Lamas, Francisco J. }, title = {Primeros datos sobre Myotis alcathoe von Helversen & Heller, 2001 en Castilla y León y primer refugio de cría localizado en el noroeste de la península Ibérica}, journal = {Barbastella, Journal of Bat Research}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {31-34}, abstract = {First record of Myotis alcathoe is reported for the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon. Five individuals were caught in the Ancares mountains and data on roosting behavior is documented by radiotracking them. Two roosts were used out of the breeding season in trees with crevices generated by longitudinal scared process along the trunk. A maternity roost was also found during the study and it represents the first record in the northwestern area of the Iberian Peninsula. The breeding colony was found in a big and almost death Quercus robur.}, keywords = {Myotis alcathoe Castilla y Leon roost Ancares Galicia}, DOI = {http://dx.doi.org/10.14709/BarbJ.6.1.2013.04}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} }