@article{ author = {Nogueras, Jesús and Garrido-García, José Antonio and Fijo-León, Alberto and Juste, Javier and García-Mudarra, Juan Luis and Ibáñez, Carlos }, title = {Patrones de distribución del complejo “Myotis mystacinus” en la península Ibérica}, journal = {Barbastella, Journal of Bat Research}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {24-30}, abstract = {We present the first record of whiskered bat (Myotis mystacinus) for Andalusia (Spain) from the Sierra de Huéscar, in Granada and discuss the distribution pattern of the “M. mystacinus” complex in Iberia with the recent description of its sibling species M. alcathoe. Whereas M. mystacinus is present across the whole distribution area known for the species complex, , it seems that -according to the present sampling information- the species M. alcathoe is really not found in the Central Pyrenees, Sistema Central, Sistema Ibérico Sur and Sierras Béticas mountain massifs. Despite being sympatric in several localities, M. mystacinus reaches higher altitudes than M. alcathoe. }, keywords = {Myotis mystacinus distribution patterns Iberian Peninsula}, DOI = {http://dx.doi.org/10.14709/BarbJ.6.1.2013.03}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} }