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El complejo Myotis nattereri en Iberia: una larga historia

Irene Salicini, Carlos Ibáñez, Javier Juste 

Abstract: More than a century after the description of Myotis escalerai by Ángel Cabrera, modern genetic tools now shed new light on the enigma of the Myotis nattereri species complex. Using different genetic markers (mitochondrial and nuclear) and different approaches in the analysis, we reveal the presence of four different clades corresponding to phylogenetic species. Two new species of Myotis besides M. nattereri and M. escalerai are identified for the Western Palearctic. Nevertheless, taxonomic and morphologic descriptions are necessary if these new species are to be officially recognised. Two of these four species are present in the Iberian Peninsula; their taxonomic situation, distribution and the presence of diagnostic characters are discussed.

Primeros datos sobre la distribución de Myotis cf. nattereri y Myotis escalerai Cabrera, 1904 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) en la Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja.

Pablo Tomás Agirre-Mendi, Carlos Ibáñez

Abstract: This paper consists of a preliminary discussion of the chorology in the Autonomous Community of La Rioja (central northern Spain) of Myotis cf. nattereri and Myotis escalerai Cabrera, 1904, two recently segregated cryptic bat species. In all, 49 specimens from 11 localities in the northern sector of the mountains of the Sistema Ibérico and the Ebro river valley were identified by sequencing a fragment of approximately 700 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b. The preliminary distribution of M. cf. nattereri in La Rioja is restricted to high- and mid-altitude areas of these mountains (altitudinal range: 850–1984 m a.s.l.), whereas M. escalerai is found in low- and mid-altitude areas of the region in an altitudinal range of 336–1150 m a.s.l. The morphological differences between the two species are presented.

La contribución de los fósiles a la reconstrucción de las dinámicas de población de murciélagos

Juan Manuel López-García, Paloma Sevilla

Abstract: Modern research in the conservation biology of bats enables us to establish the status of these mammals on the basis of their demography and population dynamics. Data obtained from bat remains found in fossil and sub-fossil localities provide the means for this long-term tracking of populations, of which many good examples are available in published papers. In this paper we present an overview of how bat fossils can be useful in conservation biology and give a number of examples. As well, we discuss the limitations of the use of these mammals for this purpose.

Contribución al conocimiento de la distribución de quirópteros en el norte y centro de Portugal

Paulo Barros

Abstract: In all, 25 species of bats are known from mainland Portugal, all of which are protected by law (Bern Convention, Habitats Directive, Bonn Convention and the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats (EUROBATS); likewise, their roosts are also protected by the Bern Convention and the European Habitats Directive. In recent decades a worldwide decline in bat populations has occurred and Portugal, where nine species are listed as endangered (Critically endangered CR, Endangered EN or Vulnerable VU according to IUCN categories), is no exception. The data presented in this paper are the result of fieldwork conducted in 2009–2011 in northern and central Portugal and provide 368 new records from 53 trapping sessions. The data given for 22 bat species expands their distribution and provides new information on ecology and biology for most of the listed species. Ninety of the 368 records are new for the 10×10 km squares.

Recuperación de la colonia de Miniopterus schreibersii de la cueva de Cueva de Ágreda (Soria)

Juan Tomás Alcalde, Alberto Artácoz, Federico Meijide

Abstract: Up until the 1990s a colony of 600–700 Schreiber’s bats lived in Cueva de Ágreda (Soria). The colony in this cave decreased to 100 individuals in the early years of this century. In 2001 a gate closing off three-quarters of the entrance was installed. In March 2010, the top of the gate was removed and the cave’s bat populations were monitored throughout the year. Five species were identified, censuses were conducted and bat behaviour when leaving the cave was recorded. The observed behaviour and the increase in the colony to up to 447 bats in 2010 suggest that the gate was the cause of the colony’s decrease. The present gate has been recently replaced by a perimeter fence that allow bats free access to the cave. As part of project to raise awareness of bats in the Sorian part of the mountain of El Moncayo, TV cameras with infrared lights that transmit images to an interpretation centre have been installed. 

Los murciélagos de La Bóveda (Segovia), treinta y dos años después

Félix González Álvarez, Óscar de Paz, Montserrat Carbonell

Abstract: La Bóveda is an underground corridor in the Royal Palace of La Granja, Segovia. In 1976–1978 its bat population was monitored and 32 years later this monitoring has been repeated. During this period of time all the entrances to the underground corridor were closed, although two entrances were opened again some years after being closed off. Nevertheless, the bat populations have not recovered to the levels present in the 1970s. Currently, the roost is used by six of the 10 species that occupied this shelter in the 1970s and continues to host a large group of Myotis escalerai (500 adults). Barbastella barbastellus and Miniopterus schreibersii have not returned to the Royal Palace, although they have been observed roosting in the vicinity at a distance of less than 500 m.

Actualización del inventario de quirópteros y refugios en Ceuta: primera cita de Pipistrellus pygmaeus en el norte de África

Adrià López-Baucells; Carles Flaquer, Xavier Puig-Montserrat; Lídia Freixas; Lotfi Mohamed

Abstract: Recent knowledge of the bat populations of Ceuta was deficient for both forest and cave-dwelling species, whose refuges had not been correctly monitored in recent years (some of them not visited for 18 years). On these grounds, new surveys have been conducted using mist nets and bat detectors and visits to shelters. Although the number of bats species in Ceuta has been increased by two and two new phonic groups, generally speaking we observed a decline in cave-dwelling bats, with just three breeding colonies of Rhinolophus hipposideros and few or none of the following species: Rhinolophus mehelyi, Rhinolophus euryale, Rhinolophus blasii, Myotis capaccinii and Miniopterus schreibersii. The entrance to La Mina de la Fuente, a roost that had once housed four species of bats, had collapsed and was reopened. Mist netting and bat detector sessions revealed low activity rates. Particularly it is important to highlight the first record of Pipistrellus pygmaeus in Africa. In light of these new surveys we recommend that the roosts of cave-dwelling bats be monitored annually (especially La Mina de la Fuente).