Download: Instructions for publishing papers

Download: Endnote reference style

Manuscripts should be sent in digital format only (.odt, .doc or .docx) to the editors through the application form. They may be written in either English or Spanish and can deal with any bat-related topic worldwide. Manuscripts may not be sent to any other journal whilst they are under revision by Journal of Bat Research & Conservation. Before acceptance, all manuscripts will be evaluated and validated by 2 anonymous referees.

All authors are required to adopt the following style guide to present their manuscripts:

Manuscript file

Must be sent without the figures, in one single Word document (including title, abstract and body text).

Figures must be properly listed at the end of the manuscript.

Format: Calibri, 12, 1.5 space, margin 2.5 cm., and all lines and pages must be numbered, without tabulated paragraphs.

Species names must be written in italics; decimal numbers must be separated by comas.

DNA sequences must be placed in GenBank and accession numbers included in the text.
All figures and tables must have their own explicative captions.

Title page

Title of the paper (concise and informative).

The whole name of the authors: one corresponding author should be responsible for all communication during the editing process).

Institutions and complete addresses / E-mail of the corresponding author.

Abstract with a maximum of 300 words (concise and informative). Key words (10 maximum).

Sections of the manuscript (recommended for articles and reviews but not required for natural history notes)

Introduction / Material and methods / Results / Discussion / Conclusions / Acknowledgements / References


In the text, they must be given in chronological order, separated by comas. When there are two authors they must include both in the reference (eg. Mas & López-Baucells 2014), while if there are more than two authors, the form et al. must be used (eg. Flaquer et al. 2014). For papers waiting for publication, please use (in press). If one author has more than one paper per year, use letters to be distinguished. Ex. Ibáñez (2010), (Flaquer 2008), (Garin 2009a), (Parry-Jones in press).

In the section References, they must be given alphabetically, with the full name of the journal/book; the title must be in the original language, using small letters (a…z) to indicate the papers published by the same author in the same year. The references must include: the name of the authors in caps, the year of publication, the title of the paper, the journal/book, the volume, number and pages. Please, also include all available DOI codes!

Endnote reference style


Journal article:

IBÁÑEZ, C., GARCÍA-MUDARRA, J. L., RUEDI, M., STADELMANN, B. & JUSTE, J. 2006. The Iberian contribution to cryptic diversity in European bats. Acta Chiropterologica, 8(2):277-297.[277:TICTCD]2.0.CO;2

[Author. Year. Title. Journal, Volume(Issue):Pages. DOI]


GARDNER, A.L. & HANDLEY, C. O. 2007. Mammals of South America, vol. 1: Marsupials, Xenarthrans, Shrews, and Bats. ed.: University of Chicago Press. Chicago, IL, 690pp

[Author. Year. Title. ed.: Publisher. Place Published, Pagespp. DOI]

Book chapter:

BARCLAY, R. M. R. & BRIGHAM, M. 2000. Geographic variation in the echolocation calls of bats: A compilation for identifying species by their calls. In: Bat Echolocation Research. Tools, techniques and analysis. ed.: Bat Conservation International. Austin, Texas, p.140-149.

[Author. Year. Title. In: Book Title. ed.: Publisher. Place Published, p. Pages. DOI]


ROCHA, P.A. 2010. Diversidade, composição e estructura de comunidade de morcegos (Mammalia: Chiroptera) em hábitats de caatinga e brejo de altitude do Estado de Sergipe. Universidad Federal de Sergipe. São Cristóvão, Brazil. Universidade Federal de Sergipe.

[Author. Year. Title. Place Published. University. DOI]

Figures and tables

Figures must be sent separately (jpg, tiff or pdf) and be properly referenced in the text as Fig.

Tables must be as simple as possible with no vertical lines, and the information they contain should not be repeated in graphics. Tables must be included in the main word manuscript file, and should be labelled as following (e.g. Table 1).

Natural History Notes

The author can choose to present it using the traditional parts (Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion) or just in one single part. The rest of guidelines for natural history notes can be followed as specified above for standard articles.

By publishing in the Journal of Bat Research & Conservation, the journal does not obtain any kind of authorship for both the text and the figures or images. All articles will be freely available and disseminated on the web.