Bridges over the troubled Conservation of Iberian Bats

Francisco Amorim, Pedro Alves, Hugo Rebelo

Abstract: In the last decades the availability of roosts has been one of the major limiting factors in bat conservation. Several human-made structures mimic the conditions occurring in natural roosts allowing the maintenance of bat populations and in some cases, even their range expansion. In the USA and Europe several bridges have been reported to be used by bats as roosts. We surveyed 52 bridges in Northeastern Portugal and found that 28 bridges were used by bats from 16 species. Most species seem to use bridge crevices, but cave dwellers were also observed in box girders. At least 3145 individuals were found roosting in crevices, most of which were identified as Tadarida teniotis. A total of 728 individuals were captured in 8 different bridges. T. teniotis was the most common species since it was the target species of these captures. The observed sex bias toward females suggests that bridges are often used as breeding colonies. Signs of swarming and mating were also observed in September and October. Our results confirm that modern bridges can play an important role in bat conservation even contributing to range expansions.

Barbastella barbastellus (Schreber, 1774) en minas del Norte de Portugal: ¿un caso de “swarming”?

Paulo Barros, Luís Braz

Abstract: This study investigated the visitation of an underground site by bats during the “swarming” season (September and October) of 2009, 2011 and 2012, in a mine located in the Northeast Portugal (Vila Cova mine, 850 m a.s.l.). A total of 79 bats were captured, representing 12 of the 25 bat species identified in Portugal Continental. The Western Barbastelle (Barbastella barbastellus) was the most predominant species, with 31,6% of the captures. Although the relative low number of specimens captured, the species composition and their conservation status were significant due to the presence of Critical Endangered species (Rhinolophus euryale and Myotis blythii), Vulnerable species (Rhinolophus ferrumequinun, Rhinolophus hipposideros, Myotis myotis, Myotis escalerai and Miniopterus schreibersii) and species with Data Deficient (Barbastella barbastellus and Plecotus auritus). Considering that a just 5 hours sampling effort was conducted, the peak of the nocturnal activity was 3-4 hours after sunset, with statistically significant differences between males and females in the third hour after sunset (P=0,002). In total, 75,9% of the specimens captured were males, representing a sex ratio of 3♂♂:1♀♀. In the specific case of B. barbastellus the ratio was of 2:1. The peak of captures between males and females was different along time, with females arriving later to the mine. This behavior was also verified to B. barbastellus. The differences regarding Body Condition Index (BCI) between sexes in B. barbastellus were statistically different, with females presenting higher BCI than males (P=0,015). Undoubtedly, the conservation value of “swarming” sites is of special concern for bats management strategies, especially when used by species such as B. barbastellus, characterized by high level of philopatry within their populations. 

Patrones de distribución del complejo “Myotis mystacinus” en la península Ibérica

Jesús Nogueras, José Antonio Garrido-García, Alberto Fijo-León, Javier Juste, Juan Luis García-Mudarra, Carlos Ibáñez

Abstract: We present the first record of whiskered bat (Myotis mystacinus) for Andalusia (Spain) from the Sierra de Huéscar, in Granada and discuss the distribution pattern of the “M. mystacinus” complex in Iberia with the recent description of its sibling species M. alcathoe. Whereas M. mystacinus is present across the whole distribution area known for the species complex, , it seems that -according to the present sampling information- the species M. alacathoe is really not found in the Central Pyrenees, Sistema Central, Sistema Ibérico Sur and Sierras Béticas mountain massifs. Despite being sympatric in several localities, M. mystacinus reaches higher altitudes than M. alcathoe.

Primeros datos sobre Myotis alcathoe von Helversen & Heller, 2001 en Castilla y León y primer refugio de cría localizado en el noroeste de la península Ibérica

Roberto J. Hermida, Manuel Arzúa, Ledicia Santos, Francisco J. Lamas

Abstract: First record of Myotis alcathoe is reported for the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon. Five individuals were caught in the Ancares mountains and data on roosting behavior is documented by radiotracking them. Two roosts were used out of the breeding season in trees with crevices generated by longitudinal scared process along the trunk. A maternity roost was also found during the study and it represents the first record in the northwestern area of the Iberian Peninsula. The breeding colony was found in a big and almost death Quercus robur.

Ocupación de cajas-refugio por murciélagos en Navarra

Juan Tomás Alcalde*, David Campion, Javier Fabo, Felipe Marín, Alberto Artázcoz, Iñaki Martínez, Inmaculada Antón

Abstract: 405 bat boxes of 7 different models have been revised in 11 areas of Navarre (Northern Spain) in autumn 2012. Occupation has ranged between 0 and 90% depending on the area. Overall, 241 (60%) of the cases showed signs of occupation: 107 (26%) were inhabited by bats and 134 (33%) contained guano. 345 bats belonging to 10 species have been counted: Myotis mystacinus, Myotis daubentonii, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Pipistrellus pygmaeus, Pipistrellus kuhlii, Nyctalus leisleri, Nyctalus noctula, Nyctalus lasiopterus, Barbastella barbastellus and Plecotus auritus. The most frequent and abundant were P. pygmaeus, found in 53 boxes (247 individuals) and N. leisleri in 24 (36 ind.). Dominant species were found in different areas and species preferences were observed for certain models of boxes. The most used models were 1FF and 2F with double front panel (Schwegler). No significant differences were found in relation to tree species where the boxes are, although there were significant differences in relation to forest structure: the occupation was greater with the more open forest structure. Besides, significant differences were found in relation to the orientation: the largest amount of bats was found in boxes oriented NW, S and SW. 30% of bat boxes contained other animals and/or obstacles to the bat occupation, mainly excess of guano (12%), nests (9%) and wasps (5%), so regular cleaning is required.

First roosts of Nyctalus lasiopterus breeding females in France

Marie-Jo Dubourg Savage, Joël Bec, Lionel Gaches

Abstract: The studies on tree-dwelling bats were very scarce until recently, due to the difficulty of finding their roosts in forests. The Giant Noctule (Nyctalus lasiopterus, Schreber 1780) is one of those difficult forest species and probably the European rarest and least studied of them. However the development of bat detectors and of radio-tracking techniques have allowed increasing the knowledge on this elusive species. Until recently, with the exception of a few occasional records of individuals, the Giant Noctule was mainly known from Spain and Central Europe where breeding colonies were located. We present here its distribution in France, where a colony of post-lactating females was found in June 2012. This record is the first documented data for Western Europe, north of the Pyrenees.

Estado poblacional, selección de refugios y ecología espacial de las poblaciones de nóctulo grande (Nyctalus lasiopterus) y nóctulo mediano (Nyctalus noctula) en Cataluña

Jordi Camprodon, David Guixé

Abstract: We present the first results of the monitoring of the first two colonies of Greater Noctule and Common Noctule found in Catalonia, in the Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa Natural Park and the city of Lleida, respectively. Few animals were found in each locality after a cavity checking of each locality in 2010-2012. The Great Noctule occupies a small stand with high concentration of woodpecker holes in a beech forest. The Common Noctule colony has their refuges concentrated in few European plane trees with abundant natural cavities in an urban park. Foraging areas of Great Noctule were located in the agro-forestry landscape within 30 km at least from the refuge stand. The Common Noctule used irrigated and fluvial areas around the city. The highly localised concentration of suitable tree cavities seems to be the determining factor in the distribution of these large bats in the study area.

Nuevo dato sobre la longevidad del murciélago grande de herradura Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Schreber, 1774) en las islas Baleares

David García, Llorenç Capellà, Juan Quetglas

Abstract: In this note we report the capture of a greater horse-shoe bat (Rinolophus ferrumequinum) ringed 16 years ago in Menorca Island, resulting in the oldest bat ever known from the Balearic Islands. This recapture is an important contribution to the understanding of bat longevity in insular environments.

Hypopigmentation in vespertilionid bats: the first record of a leucistic soprano pipistrelle Pipistrellus pygmaeus

Adrià López Baucells, Maria Mas, Xavier Puig-Montserrat, Carles Flaquer

Abstract: Albinism and leucism are commonly confused in the literature. Despite the fact that these congenial disorders affect only a small proportion of bat populations, they seem to be widely spread since reports of affected bats are found from over the world. In this communication we report for the first time a leucistic Pipistrellus pygmaeus (Leach 1825). It was captured in the Ebro Delta Natural Park (Iberian Peninsula) in a biological field station near a wetland with rice paddies, where over 100 bat boxes are deployed to monitor bat populations. The individual had whitish fur over the whole of its body (dorsal and ventral parts); nevertheless its eyes and wing membranes had normal pigmentation. Although an albino P. pygmeaus has been reported from Spain, this represents the first report of leucism in this species.

Lista actualizada de quirópteros de los Departamentos de Loreto, Ucayali y Madre de Dios (Perú)

Gilberto Josimar Fernández-Arellano, María Isabel Torres-Vásquez

Abstract: The present review reports a total of 127 bats species, grouped in 57 genera and 8 families. We highlight the first cites of 5 species for Loreto Department (Artibeus bogotensis, Artibeus phaeotis, Artibeus watsoni, Eumops delticus, Peropteryx pallidoptera), and just 1 species for Loreto and Madre de Dios Departments (Vampyressa pusilla). These 6 species represent new records for Peru. According to the baseline (Gardner 2007), also extends the distribution range of another 18 species. The total number of species recorded is distributed among the families Phyllostomidae (63,8%), Molossidae (13,4%), Emballonuridae (8.7%), Vespertilionidae (8.7%), Thyropteridae (2,4%), Noctilionidae (1,6%), Furipteridae (0,7%), and Mormoopidae (0,7%). Vampyressa melissa is a vulnerable species according to IUCN. We also report an increase in published articles and conducted undergraduate thesis related to bats.